Conducting a Heart Phone test
Conducting an Heart Phone ECG Test
EPI Mini
The Device: With EPI Mini your ECG tests may be administered in a physician’s office, hospital or outpatient clinic, at home or in the car, any time, anywhere. Patients’ place any finger of the left hand and any finger of the right hand on the metal pads and hold still for 30 seconds. The ECG is captured in those 30 seconds and stored in the device.
The Application: The captured 30 second recording can be transmitted to the free App on the patients cell phone. The App stores the ECG to review any time. It is transmitted on to the patient’s Heart Phone: Health Concierge.
The Processing of your ECG: Your Heart Squad: Health Concierge receives the patients ECG, analyzes it and replies back to the patient’s cell phone via SMS text with his interpretation of his ECG and the action steps needed.
Contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it a Clinical Applications Specialist or call the Heart Squad Clinical Support line at 310-939-7654 Option 3.
ECG Check
The Device: With ECG Check your ECG tests may be administered anywhere your cell phone works. Place any finger of the left hand and any finger of the right hand on the metal pads and hold still for 30 seconds. Your ECG is captured in those 30 seconds and and transmitted to the App.
The Application: The captured 30 second recording is transmitted to the free App on you cell phone. The App stores your ECG to review any time. It is transmitted on to your Heart Squad: Health Concierge.
The Processing of you ECG: Your Heart Squad: Health Concierge receives your ECG, analyzes it and replies back to your cell phone via SMS text with his interpretation of your ECG and the action steps what you need to do about it.
Contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it a Clinical Applications Specialist or call the Heart Squad Clinical Support line at 310-939-7654 Option 3.